Whose Story Will You Help Write?

“Without Boysville, the reality of it is, I would be in jail or dead.”
John “Daniel” Gee, Senior Chief Petty Officer, US Navy. (See Dan’s Story here)

But for Dan, and many like him, Boysville gives an opportunity to become the authors of their personal success story. The greatest gift you can give to future generations of children is the ability to change the trajectory of their future. For children raised in poverty or abuse, the opportunity to change the narrative of their life is next to impossible without help. Boysville continues to provide a safe, family home to children in need so they may grow and become strong, healthy and successful adults. Boysville gives them a foundation of security and stability. Boysville gives roots to grow and, most importantly, wings to fly. Boysville gives an opportunity to succeed.

By remembering Boysville in your estate planning, your legacy can change the life of a child coming from a generational cycle of abuse and neglect. As little as 5% of your estate can make a huge difference in the life of a child.

There are a number of giving options to help you attain your goals as you consider your long-term financial priorities. Some estate gifts can provide you with additional income. Boysville can work with you and your advisers to help customize your gift to complement your circumstances so your support, be it large or small, can have the greatest possible impact.

If you have further questions regarding the planned giving process, contact us for planned giving. To request a confidential discussion regarding planned giving, fill out the form here or email Dawn Hooker.

Charitable Giving Strategies and Tax Benefits

Boysville is a 501 (C)(3), tax-exempt, charitable organization. Federal Tax ID #74-1207553

“I believe in Boysville. I believe in the work they do, and they are transformative in the lives of every child they serve. This is why I have included them in my personal estate planning. I am asking you to join me to give future generations of children in need a safe place to call home. A place where children can experience what “family” means, establish their roots and know they will always have a support system. As a child grows, Boysville strengthens a child’s wings to lift them above their past life to a new, prosperous future. ”

– Jim Hollerbach, President
Hollerbach and Associates

For more information contact Angelica Garza

Let us know you are including Boysville in your estate planning. Fill out this form and email it to Angelica Garza.

Boysville does not do estate planning. Please contact an estate attorney or wealth management professional who can guide you in the process.

Create a living legacy by including Boysville in your estate and financial planning. You can do the following ways:

Deferred Gifts

These are gifts that you arrange now for Boysville to receive in the future. Examples include:

  • Giving through your will or living trust
    • Make a bequest to Boysville in your will or living trust
    • You can designate either a specific amount, certain property, or the remainder after gifts to loved ones are satisfied
    • Your gift will never affect your financial wellbeing during your lifetime, and no tax will be due on assets given in this manner
    • To add a bequest, you may need only a small change, or “codicil.” A codicil amends — but does not replace — your existing will. Consult your attorney to determine how to best meet your needs
  • Giving through your insurance policy or investment accounts
    • Name Boysville as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, investment account, or retirement plan such as IRA, 401K, and 403b
    • You may be able to do this easily online

Current gifts

These are gifts that you make now and Boysville immediately puts the resources to work for its mission. Examples include:

  • Gift of securities
    • Make a gift to Boysville of securities such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds
    • For securities that have increased in value, this offers you a tax-advantaged way to support Boysville’s mission
    • Gift of real estate or mineral interests
    • Make a gift to Boysville of valuable real estate or mineral interests
    • Also provides a tax-advantaged way to support Boysville for appreciated assets
  • Gift from an IRA
    • For those age 70 ½ and older, designate Boysville for a charitable rollover from your IRA (aka qualified charitable distribution) as a tax-free gift to support Boysville’s life-changing programs

Life income gifts

These are gifts that provide you with a reliable source of income while supporting Boysville’s mission in the future. Examples include:

  • Charitable Gift Annuity
    • An annuity trust makes fixed annual payments to you or others youdesignate
    • A Boysville Charitable Gift Annuity provides you and/or your designee predictable fixed payments, part of which are received free of tax for a period of time
    • For information on Boysville’s managed CGA, please contact Beth Green, Chief Development Officer.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
    • A “Unitrust” makes variable payments to you or others based on the value of the assets in the trust
    • Talk to your attorney or wealth management professional to arrange the trust that is right for you
  • Donor-Advised Fund gift – Funds are set up through wealth management professionals and designate Boysville as a recipient of annual gifts

Boysville is committed to following the wishes of our donors in order to help their legacy live on through our mission.

By policy of Boysville’s Board of Directors, planned gifts to Boysville are placed into the Boysville Foundation, unless otherwise stated by the donor. The Foundation’s assets are managed conservatively to provide annual distributions to Boysville primarily to fund a portion of operating and capital expenses of Boysville’s programs, such as the Emergency Shelter, Residential Care, and Supervised Independent Living.

Some benefactors choose to designate their estate gifts for specific uses such as the following popular choices:

  • Boysville’s Children’s Program(s): Depending on the size of the gift, the Boysville Foundation members will authorize the funds to be directed to an annual use or the creation of an endowed fund that benefits the program(s) named by the donor in his/her estate.
  • The Hunter Church Fund: Gifts placed in the Hunter Church Fund within the Boysville foundation are used to help young adults, who graduated from high school while living at Boysville, continue their education.
  • Capital Projects: Gifts can earmarked for campus and infrastructure improvements, renovations and/or construction on the Boysville campus.

Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, a majority of the resources in the Boysville Foundation (the “Foundation”) are a result of gifts through wills, trusts and other planned gifts.

The Foundation is a trust established by Boysville in 1960 for charitable and educational purposes of the Boysville’s children. The Foundation is a separate legal entity managed a Board of Trustees (“Foundation Trustees”) comprised of at least three past presidents of Boysville’s Board of Directors and community member. Each Foundation Trustee is elected by the Boysville Board of Directors to serve for a five-year term and receives no compensation or remuneration as an unpaid volunteer. Collectively, the Board of Trustees has over 100 years of experience with Boysville.

Boysville benefits from a strong Foundation due to prudent stewardship of the resources entrusted to our mission and adherence to sound investment practices.

  • Return Objectives and Risk Parameters: The Foundation has adopted investment and spending policies that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding while seeking to maintain the corpus of the assets.
  • Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives: To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, the Foundation relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized) and current yield (interest and dividends). The Foundation targets a diversified asset allocation that places a greater emphasis on equity-based investments to achieve its long-term return objectives within prudent risk constraints.
  • Spending Policy and How the Investment Objectives Relate to Spending Policy: The Boysville Board of Directors established a policy to distribute to Boysville on an annual basis up to 4% of the average balance of the Foundation investment assets for the preceding five years, measured on January 1 of each year. The distribution may be increased or decreased, as approved by the Foundation Trustees, depending on economic and other factors impacting either the Foundation or Boysville. Distributions are based on the written request from the Boysville Board of Directors and may or may not be granted. The Foundation Trustees consider the specific purpose of the request, as well as the long-term objectives of the Foundation and Boysville.

The strength of our Foundation allows our programs to be based on what is best for children, not a dependence on government funding. The Foundation helps assure that your gift to Boysville will be viable for future generations of children who need a safe place to call home.

In 1943, one man decided to make a difference in the lives of homeless boys sleeping in Travis Park. From one act of kindness, Boysville was born. Today, we care for all children who are in need of a safe place to call home.

The Boysville Legacy Society honors the legacy of Reverend Don Holiman and all of our benefactors who designate Boysville as a beneficiary of their will, charitable trust or other planned gift. A planned gift ensures Boysville’s future while creating a lasting legacy for the donor. We want to express our gratitude to our supporters for believing in our children and our programs.

Let us know you are including Boysville in your planned giving. You will join other benefactors as members of the Boysville Legacy Society. As a member, you will receive the following:

  1. Communication about Boysville programs and the successes of our children. We want you to be a part of our family.
  2. Join us for events on campus and in the community. You will receive special invites to all of our activities.
  3. Recognition of your membership in the society by way of a special certificate and small token of our appreciation. We know our supporters want their donations used for childcare, not donor gifts. These gestures of appreciation are selected to say thank you at an acceptable cost.


See how others like you are making an impact on the lives of children through a planned gift to Boysville.

Creating a Legacy for Children

Darrel Van Kirk continues to enjoy life at it’s fullest. A retried, Master Gunnery Sergeant, Darrel also served in the Army, Navy and Air Force reserves from 1974-2009. His career is a diverse as his military service as he has served as a teacher, administrator, analyst and more. He speaks not one but three languages including German and Spanish [ READ MORE ].

Love Everlasting

Fred Terry had one of those personalities that once you met him you would never forget. When asked how he was, he’d get this twinkle in his eye and a big grin on his face and reply “I’m living the dream!” [ READ MORE ].

Boysville Changes Lives

I have witnessed not only children being transformed by the loving, encouraging campus, but adults who grew up there freely admitting they were literally saved by Boysville. Children who have no stability find stability at Boysville.” [ READ MORE ].

Being A Part of the Bigger Picture

While serving as a United Way Loaned Executive in the fall of 2005, I was fortunate to tour dozens of the agencies who are supported by the United Way. Out of all those wonderful agencies, Boysville stood out the most. The former Boysville CFO, Ed Baxter, gave an impactful campus tour. I recall that the walls in the admin building were covered with pictures of Boysville’s children, just like you’d see at any family’s home — children playing at playgrounds, eating at cookouts, playing sports at athletic events, wearing cheerleader uniforms, and celebrating holidays. A year later, I joined the Board and have been involved ever since. [ READ MORE ].

Leslie and Jim Sides Planned Gift

When we moved back to my native Texas and settled in the San Antonio area, I wanted to continue contributing to the lives of young people. I was having conversation with my builder and learned about Boysville. After several visits to the Boysville campus, I learned that the boys and girls there came from broken homes and abusive situations and were often neglected. [ READ MORE ].


All discussions concerning your charitable giving are in the strictest confidence. Boysville does not sell or rent any of its information about donors to other charities or marketing firms.


Information related to estate planning, wills, trusts and other planned gifts are available to you, without obligation, to help you effectively guide you through the planned giving process. Boysville provides this information as a courtesy to our generous supporters. It is not intended to offer professional financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Always consult with your financial or legal adviser before making decisions affecting your long-term financial or legal planning.  Any information you receive from this site should not be substituted for legal or financial advice.


When you donate your time and energy to Boysville you help better the lives of every child we serve.